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Current Projects


Emergency aid for Ukraine


As a company and as human beings, we condemn the war, that the Russian government is waging against Ukraine.



Out of solidarity with our fellow human beings in Ukraine, we made a donation of CHF 10,000 to the Swiss Red Cross for humanitarian aid. Confirmation



In addition, we support the following projects of the knitting community in favour of the victims of the war in Ukraine:


Shapka by Darja Brannik and Gry Berg (Norway).

Darja Brannik, together with her mother-in-law Gry Berg, started the knitting project Shapka - which means hat in Ukrainian. They sell knitting kits with yarn and instructions (English and Norwegian). The hat is knitted from high quality cashmere yarn from LANGYARNS and is available in 10 different colours.
You can buy the knitting pack via Instagram @shapka.cashmere or email
The proceeds of each knitting package go directly to Ukrainian war refugees. The main aim is to support children and young people who come to Norway.

Shapka not only warms the head, but also the heart.


Wolllädele chaotisch bunt (Germany)

The Wollädele Chaotisch bunt provides kits for socks and hats to Ukrainian refugees who arrive in your town and who would like to knit.

Knitting for a bit of normality in a world marked by insecurity.


Total Zero Certificate

Co2 neutral shipping of packages


Since 2012, both Lang & Co. AG as well as Lang Garn & Wolle GmbH have been shipping all parcels CO2 neutral.


Mulesing Free

sheep friendly - no mulesing


In 2017 LANGYARNS decided to convert the merino qualities we use to wool from merino sheep, which were guaranteed not to be subjected to the mulesing procedure.


Since 2018 Merino qualities which are mulesing-free are marked with the logo "SHEEP FRIENDLY - NO MULESING".

This involves using merino fibres either from certified Australian production or from other origins (predominantly South Africa or South America) where fly infestation does not occur. During the transition, a large proportion of the pure merino yarns (Merino 50, 70, +, 120, 130, 150, 200, 400) delivered by us are being produced from mulesing-free fibres. Fibres made of mulesing-free wool have a higher price on the world market. LANGYARNS delivers added value to the qualities defined above by supporting the animal-friendly treatment of sheep. Please note that complete conversion takes time and your retailer of choice will be selling off the non-certified balls.

