In 2017 LANGYARNS decided to convert the merino qualities we use to wool from merino sheep, which were guaranteed not to be subjected to the mulesing procedure.
Since 2018 Merino qualities which are mulesing-free are marked with the logo "SHEEP FRIENDLY - NO MULESING".
This involves using merino fibres either from certified Australian production or from other origins (predominantly South Africa or South America) where fly infestation does not occur. During the transition, a large proportion of the pure merino yarns (Merino 50, 70, +, 120, 130, 150, 200, 400) delivered by us are being produced from mulesing-free fibres. Fibres made of mulesing-free wool have a higher price on the world market. LANGYARNS delivers added value to the qualities defined above by supporting the animal-friendly treatment of sheep. Please note that complete conversion takes time and your retailer of choice will be selling off the non-certified balls.
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